Acolyte Schedule


Contemplative Prayer
Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m.
All welcome.

Youth Group meets every other Friday
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall; light supper, Christian lesson and game.
Ages 5-12.

Handicap Accessible - St. John's Episcopal of Cohoes in handicap accessible.



Date Crucifer - Acolyte



Bob Austin




Please take your vestments home at least once a month to be washed & pressed. Thank you for your valuable ministry to St. John’s Church.

NOTE: Please try to arrange for a substitute if you are unable to serve when scheduled. Be sure to let Marty Knowlton, & Bob Austin know as early in the week as possible, so that the names appear in the bulletin correctly.


Link to Our Parish Family
Our Parish Family

Logo and link to The Eagle's Voice

140th Annual Convention of the
Episcopal Diocese
of Albany
Bishop�s Address

Episcopal News Service

Bible Gateway
Book of Common Prayer

Daily Office

of St. Luke


Pronunciation Guide



Sunday Eucharist Service at 9:30AM
Morning Prayer - 9:00 AM - Monday - Friday

Mother Geraldine (Gerry) Clemmons


St. John's Cohoes seal 1831

St. John's Episcopal Church of Cohoes
405 Vliet Blvd.
Cohoes, NY 12047

Phone: (518) 237-6013 * Fax: (518) 235-4311

City of Cohoes logo and link to site